Upton Community Project

By way of background the church, hall and facilities over the last 20 years has been amended and improved to better reflect the needs of the users and worshippers of the building.

These have involved access for the disabled, provision of facilities for the hard of hearing, changes to provide a flexible worship area and meeting place utilising chairs and carpeted area rather than pews, disabled toilet facilities, child/baby changing facilities.

We are pleased to announce that the latest phase to equip our premises further to meet modern expectations of the community and its people has been planned, researched, professionally drawn up and costed.

Details can be viewed here: https://planning.wakefield.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=P030GQQQG0E00&activeTab=summary 

Which details:

Extension to front to provide new ground floor entrance lobby, access toilet, welcome lounge, erection of new store at first floor and associated external works 

Upton Methodist Church High Street Upton Pontefract WF9 1HQ

Ref. No: 17/03062/FUL | Received: Mon 27 Nov 2017 | Validated: Mon 04 Dec 2017 | Status: Decided


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Local fund raising is ongoing (see details of eg Share Coffee Mornings,  Brass Band Concerts, Quiz Evenings) and other grant making bodies are being approached.

If you wish to encourage us and give directly to this project, then please contact Mr Roger Whitworth- our treasurer on 01977 284 694