Lindale Methodist Church
Brandy Carr Road, Kirkhamgate, Wakefield. WF2 0RJ
The Mission of Lindale Methodist Church is to respond to the good news, revealed in the gospel message of God’s love, through worship, fellowship and outreach by serving the local community and beyond as Holy Spirit-led disciples and followers of the teaching and example of Jesus Christ.
- Sunday Family Worship (10.30 am). No Sunday Junior Church.
- Weekly Sunday evening services are no longer held but, usually, there will be a Prayer Service on the last Sunday of each month at 6pm. They will recommence in Spring 2025).
- Holy Communion held at least once each month.
- Baptisms usually held as part of Sunday service.
- Afternoon joint Remembrance Service held with village Community Association each year.
Tuesday - Women’s Institute (Third Tuesday evening, each month 7.30pm)
Wednesday - Searchers' Group (Second Wednesday of the month at 1pm). Bible discussion. (meets in Summer months)
Thursday – Church Fellowship with games and crafts (Third Thursday of the month at 2pm).Will re-commence in the Spring '25.
Saturday – Open Door Coffee Morning (First Saturday, each month, 10am to 12noon)
General Information:
Lindale is located on the north side of Wakefield on Brandy Carr Road, Kirkhamgate. The Village Community Centre is located next door and the Junior and Infant school directly across the road. The School occasionally holds events in the church.
Safeguarding Policy: Lindale Methodist Church has adopted the Aire & Calder Methodist Circuit's Safeguarding Policy which can be found in the index to the left-hand side of this page. The Safeguarding Officer is Mrs Kim Bradshaw; the Church Council Secretary is Mrs Margaret Jones.
Minister: Rev Andrew Atkins
Tel: 07955 126792
Church Stewards:
Mary Asquith Kim Bradshaw (person for contact) Carol Gilling
Keith Jones Hugh McKee
Services in March 2025
Sunday 2 10.30am David Dixon
9 10.30am Paul Bates
16 10.30am No service at Lindale - Joint service at Wrenthorpe
23 10.30am Local Arrangement
30 10.30am Debs Brazier
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The following photos are just a small selection from our Angel Delight Festival in December 2023
Knitted items produced by some of our church members
Display showing items from pupils at the local school in Kirkhamgate
Further photographs appear on the Gallery page