Methley Methodist Church
Hi, just to say, having sold our building we are now firmly established as a "church without a chapel". We offer online weekly interactive worship either fully via Zoom or hybrid if we are worshipping in a physical space, if we can help please get in touch, 07519 928668
We are under the care of two ministers, Rev Barry Owen guides us administratively and legally and
Rev Naomi Kaiga is taking care of any pastoral needs.
2nd 10:45... Easy Church with Kev and Tim
9th 6pm... Big worship
16th 10:45... Communion with Rev Naomi
23rd 10:45... Josie Smith
30th 10:45... Mike Dixon
(you can also find us on Facebook)
Services (generally) begin at 10:45 on a Sunday morning on Zoom apart from Big Worship which is at 6pm
Strong Together
Join us on Zoom on Wednesday evenings at 6pm to chat, support and generally put the world to rights.
Take Time Meditations
Once a month we meet together on Zoom and we are led in a meditation based on a bible passage in March we will joining together at 7pm on the 19th.
Join us at 7pm every Monday we alternate between Zoom and St Oswald's (with Zoom) , it would be great to see you,
07519 928668
3rd and 31st St Oswald's and Zoom (NB no session on 17th)
10th and 24th Zoom
This is it folks... the choir for people who can't sing!
The Clueless Chorus is for you if you want to have fun singing - end of. We REALLY don't care if you can't really hold a tune, but of course in order to be totally non-discriminatory we will also grant membership to people who CAN actually sing too. It's only fair really...
Easy Church...
on the first Sunday of the month you can join us in Easy Church, it's always different and relaxed. It is very accessible and informal. The aim is all about getting "the message" over to everyone there in an easy to understand meaningful way. We pray, we often sing (but usually not hymns), we laugh a lot, share in good fellowship and leave with a challenge. It is geared at everyone, whatever age... come along on zoom.
join us on the second Sunday of the month at 6pm for worship with Andrew, Tim and Kev. It's informal and ever changing. It dares to be different, challenging, uplifting... come along, we'd love to see you on zoom
On Wednesday's at 6pm me meet on Zoom for a chat, to put the world to rights, support each other, just to catch up and be, please let us know if you need the link
"Alone we are strong... together we are stronger"